Friday, 14 April 2017

Back to Blogging Basics

So now that I have some evenings and weekends back to myself, I have decided that it is time to start writing again.
The past two years have been extremely busy with full time jobs and postgraduate studies (along with all the other crap life likes to through in your face!). I have rarely had a minute to breath never mind write which is why I have been pretty much non-existent. If on the rarest of occasions I did find a spare minute with nothing to occupy myself with, I still just couldn't face writing. I had the motivation of a slug, which is actually a huge insult to all the slugs out there! Sorry slugs. The last thing on my mind after working all day or studying or both, was to write even more.

This is genuine!
All I wanted to do was curl up with a bottle of wine, sharing bag of crisps and my Gilmore Girls boxset. Note that the wine and crisps were also my dinner because who has the time or energy to even think of dinner never mind actually cook it! My diet became absolutely shocking throughout this period of my life but that is a different subject for a different time. Anyway, I simply couldn't find it within myself to do anything other than collapse in a bed bound coma most nights by 8pm. I was a zombie.  Working full time and studying is hard!

Hiding from the world like a pro!
In addition to having no motivation to write or cook, I also found that I had little to none motivation to socialise. Socialising meant effort and all my efforts were going into barely passing as a functioning human being. So I was pretty much the worst friend / family member in the world! Those of you who had the patience to put up with me will know exactly what I'm speaking about. Social outings and social calls all became pretty much next to none and I curled even further into a ball under my duvet covers. Luckily I had the boyfriend here, otherwise my only other contact with the human world would have been at work and that would really have pushed my sanity levels over the edge.

However despite the lack of nutritious foods, socialising and well anything really, the struggles were all worth it or that's what I keep telling myself. I have my postgraduate degree, I have a job I enjoy and for the first time since I can remember, I have a life which doesn't revolve around a work/study balance. Amazing right! The only downside being that this life only exists until September because being the absolute genius that I am and apparently having enjoyed the past two years so much, I thought it would be a great idea to sign up for my Masters and do it all over again for another eighteen months!

Please don't make me do it!

So until September I am going to try and write up all the ideas that have been accumulating as bullet points in my notepad along with some fresh brainwaves I have along the way. I also need to shout out to my Uncle who was the one who encouraged me to start writing again, thanks for the spur!

Young Women Lead - Part 4

A Young Woman Understanding the Strains of Leadership  It’s our fourth YWL meeting. We’re back in private for this one… pheewww! No live ...